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Below are a few examples of Covid origin stories that have been made relatively popular online. These stories often circulate within and between many different groups that may sometimes alter these stories in different ways. The examples provided here are only one form within larger families of related stories. The core message they are meant to convey is largely the same regardless of formal differences.

5G Causes Covid:

Cell carriers began to rollout 5g service in 2018, the new service required the construction of new 5g towers. The 5g electromagnetic radiation is actually very harmful to humans but telecommunications companies are  trying to cover this up. As more and more towers have been built the negative effects from the radiation has spread and to cover up the elite upper class is blaming the effects on Covid (Gert, Shahsavari).


Covid Was Intentionally Designed:

Covid was designed in a lab in Wuhan and was intended to be used by the Chinese as a bioweapon against the United States (Bock, Gert). Other versions of intentional design may claim: The covid virus was made and patented by Bill Gates in order for him to roll out global vaccine requirements and establish a surveillance state (Bock, Gert, Shahsavari).

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